by Dare Williams

Writing Workshop
Workshop Title: Heaven
Step 1
Ask your students, “What was “Heaven” to you when you were growing up? Why?” Briefly discuss.
Step 2
Read “WHAT WE THOUGHT WAS THE SOUND OF HEAVEN WAS ONLY JUST THE COINSTAR” by Dare Williams. When you’re done, briefly discuss the emotions the CoinStar machine elicits from the speaker. Why was this experience “heaven” to them?
Step 3
Say, “Write down as many specifics as you can remember in those moments of “Heaven” when you were younger. Try to think of the various sensory details (sights, sounds, tastes, etc.).” Then give them a few minutes to brainstorm.
Step 4
Ask your students to compose a poem similar in sentiment to “WHAT WE THOUGHT WAS THE SOUND OF HEAVEN WAS ONLY JUST THE COINSTAR” in which they recount a memory of something “heavenly” when they were younger.
Step 5
When the students are done, have them share their responses with one another.
Analytical Lesson
Area of Focus: Figurative Language
Step 1
If your students are not familiar with the concept of “figurative language,” go over the introductory lesson with them.
Step 2
Ask your students to discuss the word “redeem.” What immediately comes to mind? Jot down their responses on the board.
Step 3
Now watch the following video about the definition of “Christ the Redeemer.”
Step 4
Read “WHAT WE THOUGHT WAS THE SOUND OF HEAVEN WAS ONLY JUST THE COINSTAR” by Dare Williams. As you are reading, ask your students to pay particular attention to the religious parallels the poem holds.
Step 5
Have your students open the following document and go over the instructions with them. In this assignment, your students are going to examine the text and discuss how the religious parallels in the poem contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole. Once you have gone over the directions, give your students time to work.
Step 6
When your students are done, ask them about the religious imagery and language in the piece and how they were utilized to convey the emotions of the speaker. Discuss.
Essay Materials
Lesson Details
Lesson Info
- Figurative Language
- Appreciation
- Children / Youth
- Class
- Community / Culture
- Family
- Joy
- Love
Literary Tags
- Diction
- Figurative Language
- Imagery
- Selection of Detail
- Structure
- Structure (Line Breaks)
- Structure (Syntax)
- Tone