The Hill We Climb
by Amanda Gorman
Photo by Patrick Temansky
Writing Workshop
Workshop Title: Inauguration
Step 1
Ask your students, “What’s your take on America’s past, present, and future? What hopes do you have for our country as you look forward?”
Step 2
Have your students watch Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem “The Hill We Climb.” Then ask them to talk about the vision she holds toward America’s future.
Step 3
Tell your students that they are tasked with – just like Amanda Gorman was – coming up with an inauguration day poem in which they share their vision of America. Give your students some time to brainstorm some ideas that would be appropriate for an inauguration day poem that will be broadcast to millions of people around the world.
Step 4
Have your students write an inauguration day poem in which they offer their vision of the future of America.
Step 5
When the students are done, have them share their responses with one another.
Analytical Lesson
Area of Focus: Various
Step 1
This lesson allows students to analyze various concepts and skills, so it is recommended that you have covered several of the “standalone” lessons before assigning this one. The prominent literary devices & techniques that this particular poem includes are: tone, diction, figurative language, structure, structure (rhyme scheme), syntax, imagery, sound devices, and selection of detail.
Step 2
Have your students watch Amanda Gorman’s performance of “The Hill We Climb.” Then briefly discuss the vision she holds for America’s past, present, and future.
Step 3
Have your students open the following document and go over the instructions with them. For this assignment, the students will have to go through the poem and analyze four different literary elements Gorman uses to convey her attitude. Then the students will have to create a one-pager that reflects her hopeful vision of America.
Step 4
When the students are done, have them share their analyses and examples. Or you may share the following student sample.
Essay Materials
Lesson Details
Lesson Info
- Various
- Appreciation
- Children / Youth
- Class
- Community / Culture
- Creativity / Imagination / Writing
- Family
- Friendship
- History
- Joy
- Labor / Work
- Love
- Philosophy
- Race / Ethnicity / Racism
- Social Movements / Protest
Literary Tags
- Diction
- Figurative Language
- Imagery
- Selection of Detail
- Sound Devices
- Structure
- Structure (Rhyme Scheme)
- Structure (Syntax)
- Tone