by Kendrick Lamar

Writing Workshop
Workshop Title: Savior
Step 1
Ask your students, “Discuss somebody (or a group of people) that – in your opinion – is “worshiped” without merit? Why do people love or listen to this person? What is the source of infatuation?” Briefly discuss.
Step 2
Watch Kendrick Lamar’s performance of “Savior.” When you’re done, discuss the artist’s complex attitude toward the people many esteem as “savior” figures.
Step 3
Say, “Think of a person (or a group of people) who – in your opinion – is unfairly worshiped? What makes this person unworthy of such praise? Write down as many thoughts as you can.” Then give your students a few minutes to brainstorm.
Step 4
Ask your students to compose a poem similar in sentiment to “Savior” in which they convey their complex attitude toward people in society who are unfairly “worshiped” or praised.
Step 5
When the students are done, have them share their responses with one another.
Analytical Lesson
Area of Focus: Various
Step 1
This lesson allows students to analyze various concepts and skills, so it is recommended that you have covered several of the “standalone” lessons before assigning this one.
Step 2
Start by watching the following exchange between comedian Bill Burr and podcast host Joe Rogan.
Step 3
When the clip is done, ask your students the following question: How does their conversation illuminate a larger societal folly or issue, specifically concerning celebrities? Try to veer the conversation toward the concept of “blind celebrity worship.”
Step 4
Ask your students to watch the following performance of Kendrick Lamar’s “Savior.” As they are watching, ask them to pay particular attention to the artist’s complex attitude toward those society holds as “saviors.”
*The video contains religious imagery, so please preview the video beforehand to ensure it is appropriate for your classes.
Step 5
Ask your students to open the following document and go over the instructions with them. In this assignment, your students are going to identify the allusions and direct references from the song that criticizes society’s idolization or esteem of celebrities. When you’ve gone over the directions, give your students time to work.
Step 6
When your students are done, ask them to share their responses. What text did they pull? How did those pieces of text reveal Lamar’s attitude? Discuss.
Step 7
Finally, ask your students to discuss Lamar’s performance of “Savior.” What elements of the performance also contribute to or reiterate the meaning of the work as a whole?
*This lesson is part of a larger poetry unit, entitled “Music & Poetry.” To access the full unit, click on the following link.
Essay Materials
Lesson Details
Lesson Info
- Various
- Appreciation
- Community / Culture
- Education Formal / Informal
- Love
- Mental Health
- Philosophy
Literary Tags
- Diction
- Figurative Language
- Selection of Detail
- Sound Devices
- Structure (Rhyme Scheme)
- Structure (Syntax)
- Tone