Listening To A White Man Play The Blues
by Silvia Curbelo

Writing Workshop
Workshop Title: Appropriation
Step 1
Watch the comedic bit from Roy Wood Jr.
Step 2
Read “Listening To A White Man Play The Blues” by Silvia Curbelo. When you’re done, briefly discuss how the comedic bit and the poem touch upon the same issue.
Step 3
Say, “Think of other ways another group of people have “appropriated” something from another group of people.” Then give them time to brainstorm.
Step 4
Have your students compose a poem similar in sentiment to “Listening To A White Man Play The Blues” in which they address the appropriation of an artform, style, culture, etc.
Step 5
When the students are done, have them share their responses with one another.
Analytical Lesson
Area of Focus: Figurative Language
Step 1
If your students are not familiar with the concept of “figurative language,” go over the introductory lesson with them.
Step 2
Watch the following comedic bit from Roy Wood Jr. about black people and blues music.
Step 3
Read the title of the poem you’re going to discuss today, “Listening To A White Man Play The Blues.” Then ask your students why listening to a white man play the blues may be construed as offensive or insensitive.
Step 4
Read the poem by Silvia Curbelo. As you’re reading, ask your students to pay attention to the complex attitude the speaker holds toward “listening to a white man play the blues.” Then briefly discuss.
Step 5
Have your students open the following document and go over the introduction and directions with them. In this assignment, your students are going to have to analyze the figurative language of the piece and identify its contribution to the meaning of the work as a whole. Then give your students time to work.
Step 6
When your students are done, have them share their work with one another.
Step 7
If time permits, share the exemplar essay with them.
Essay Materials
Lesson Details
Lesson Info
- Figurative Language
- Class
- Community / Culture
- Creativity / Imagination / Writing
- Death / Grief
- History
- Race / Ethnicity / Racism
Literary Tags
- Diction
- Figurative Language
- Imagery
- Selection of Detail
- Structure (Syntax)
- Tone
Content Warning
- Death or Dying